Prof Goran Bandov
Full Professor and Head of University Department of International Relations and Sustainable Development of the University Zagreb, Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science and Global Young Academy. Rotary Peace Fellow (2017).
Goran is a European expert in Diplomacy, International Relations and International Law, Peace Studies and Sustainable Development. He earned his Master in Law at the University of Osijek (2003), Master of Peace and Security Studies at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies in Hamburg (2005), PhD in Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg (2009) and his postdoctoral specialisation at the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok (2017). Goran is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Croatian Parliament from the academic community in the 3rd mandate. In this role, he is an active adviser to the Croatian Parliament in the field of foreign and European policy. He is a very active populariser of science. Goran is a very active foreign policy media commentator in different European media with over thousand media appearances, comments and interviews in the last few years.Â